Future Technology Change the World in coming Years The future of technology holds immense potential for transformative advancements across various fields. While it's challenging to predict with …
Wearable Brainpower Computer Interface Brain Computer Interfaces (BCI) are essentially connectedness devices that win with signals to then iterate into electrical signals, which are finally used to …
First Hotel to be Built in Space The first space hotel to be built in space will be completed in 2025 and will be operational in 2027.According to a foreign news agency, the world's first space h…
Robot Technology Samsung, the world's leading smartphone seller, introduces the concept of robots that can be used in a variety of ways at international exhibitions every year.In the concept int…
Blood Sugar Testing without Blood Sample Diabetics need a drop of blood to check their blood sugar, which is obtained by tapping a fine needle on a finger and applying it to a special bandage to det…
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